Packing for a trip can be stressful, but it’s incredibly nerve-wracking if you’re a frequent traveller. If you have trouble with packing, here are some tips to help you organise and ensure that everything fits into your suitcase or carry-on bag.
Fold clothes.
Fold clothes. This one seems like a no-brainer, but it’s often overlooked by travellers who throw their clothes into the suitcase without thinking about how they might fit in. A few quick folds can make all the difference when you’re trying to get your bag closed, and it will also help you find what you need when it comes time to change clothing or pack up.
Roll clothes.
When packing your suitcase, roll your clothes instead of folding them. Rolling saves space and helps you fit more in your luggage.
- Rolls are easier to pack and unpack. Generally, rolls are less bulky than folded clothing items, so they’re much easier to plug into a suitcase or backpack than folded clothes are. As a bonus, if you need to hang any rolled clothes while travelling (like at the hotel), they’ll take up less room on the hanger!
- Rolls save space inside the suitcase or backpack. The same principle applies when rolling is used as an efficient storage method for luggage. It takes up less room than folding because you can fit more onto each shelf or shelf unit in the bag/backpack without using all available volumes for just one item’s storage space (e.g., shirts). That also means there will be more room left for other things like shoes or toiletries, which brings us back again.
Use compression bags.
Compression bags are a great space-saving tool that you can use to squeeze the air out of your clothes. They’re made of a flexible fabric that allows you to pack more into a smaller space, so you don’t have to worry about overstuffing your suitcase. Because they compress clothes, compression bags are lightweight and easy to carry around, making them ideal for packing light!
If you haven’t already tried compression bags, here’s what this user had to say about them: “I use compression bags on every trip. They are lightweight and easy to store; they have also improved over time.”
– Read More – Best Vacuum Compression Storage Bags
Consider the climate of your destination.
- Consider the climate of your destination. In a humid environment, it’s better to pack light clothes such as dresses, skirts and shorts so they don’t get too wet before you can wash them. On the other hand, if you’re going somewhere cold or snowy, bring warm clothes with you if no dryer is available at your accommodation.
- When packing for an adventure trip where you will spend time outdoors for most of the day (often scorching), go for lightweight cotton tops and bottoms that won’t add extra weight to your luggage.
Pack multi-purpose items.
- Use a garment bag as a laundry bag. It has plenty of room for dirty clothes, and it’s easy to carry to the hotel’s laundry room or leave home by plane.
- Use a small suitcase as a carry-on. If you’re packing light and aren’t taking much clothing and toiletries (as suggested above), this is the way to go! Just make sure it’s the kind that doesn’t have wheels on it, so other passengers don’t run into them while navigating their way through busy airports or waiting in lines at security checkpoints (and please don’t be one of those people who use their rolling luggage like an ice skate).
- Use a large suitcase as a carry-on. That is also an option if you don’t want to deal with anything smaller than what would fit into your checked baggage allowance. Remember that there are strict rules about what can be brought onto planes due to security concerns. Even though many airlines allow passengers who buy first-class tickets or have special needs (like diabetes) access to larger checked bags than usual during boarding procedures, it won’t work for all airlines everywhere.
Wear your bulkiest shoes.
If you wear bulky shoes on your way to the airport, they should be in your carry-on. If they need to be checked, throw them in a bag that will fit under the seat in front of you and put it as far back as possible.
You may have heard that women should wear flats on their way to the airport and take their heels off when they get there so they can fit everything into their carry-ons.
Don’t overpack on toiletries.
You’ll likely be car-camping, so you’ll carry your belongings on your back. So don’t overpack! You’ll not want to lug around a big bag of toiletries if unnecessary. It’s best to bring only the essentials—and take care that they’re also ones you use regularly enough that you won’t need them anytime soon.
Don’t pack anything too big: even if it seems like a good idea at first, it could end up being too much for your hands or arms when you’re trying to get ready in the morning or make yourself presentable after an afternoon nap under a shady tree (ahem). And while some things might be smaller than others, there are plenty of other ways they can cause problems—for example, if their pumps require too much pressure or their caps are so flimsy that they pop off easily and spill everywhere.*
Bring a laundry bag or two.
If you’re packing a suitcase, getting lazy about separating dirty clothes from clean ones is easy.
Well, here are three reasons why you should bring a laundry bag anyway:
- Keeping clothes separate means they won’t get wrinkled while in your suitcase. That is especially important when travelling by aeroplane or train, as both are notorious for causing wrinkles in clothing due to excessive movement and heat. A laundry bag can help ensure your clothes look crisp and clean.
- If someone else will be doing your laundry for you at their house (or hotel), then it makes sense not to have them have access to all the stuff that isn’t dirty yet! The less clutter there is in the washroom during their stay, the easier time everyone will have hanging up and folding things—and no one wants their guest thinking about how much work it was just getting ready for bedtime after unpacking from their trip! A simple white canvas duffle bag works great as an impromptu laundry hamper; throw some old towels inside so nobody gets splashed on by detergent or bleach when removing wet items like swimsuits or socks with sandals still attached.
– Read More – Best Laundry Bags
Use space to store small things.
The next tip is to use space to store small things. The side pockets on suitcases are great for holding small items you don’t want to lose, like your toothbrush or an extra pair of underwear. You’ll also want to keep the zippered area around the edges of the suitcase clear so you can access these pockets without having them get in your way.
Now that we’ve covered ways you can pack efficiently and effectively, let’s look at other common questions related to packing, such as: How do I pack my clothes? What should I bring on vacation with me?
You can save yourself a lot of trouble by packing correctly.
Packing efficiently is an excellent way to save time, money, space, energy and stress.
You’ll have fewer things to repack, and you’ll be able to get away sooner.
If you are travelling with children, it can help them keep their toys together if they know where everything goes when they’re done playing with them!
There are five quick tips for packing a suitcase, plus one bonus tip. The last advice is to remember that packing your clothes is just one puzzle part. You also need to consider your toiletries, electronics and other items. But by following these simple guidelines, you can pack for any trip easily!