Full Prayer to St. Gemma for Back Pain Relief:
O blessed St. Gemma Galgani,
faithful servant of God and comfort to the suffering,
I come before you in humility,
seeking your heavenly intercession.
You who endured great physical pain with unwavering faith,
you who bore the wounds of Christ with love and surrender,
understand the trials I now face.
This back pain has burdened my body,
limiting my strength, my peace, and my daily life.
Yet, like you, I desire to unite my suffering with Christ’s,
offering it for His glory and my sanctification.
St. Gemma, beloved daughter of the Crucified Lord,
I ask you to intercede for me before the throne of God.
Pray that He may grant me relief from this pain,
restoring my body to health if it be His holy will.
If I am to carry this cross,
grant me the patience, courage, and strength to bear it well,
trusting in God’s perfect plan.
Fill my heart with hope in my moments of despair,
calm my restless spirit when the pain is too great,
and remind me always that through suffering,
I am drawn closer to the love of Christ.
O compassionate St. Gemma,
guardian of the afflicted and friend of the weak,
I entrust myself to your care.
Pray for me and for all those who suffer in body and soul,
that we may find peace, healing, and strength in the Lord.
Through Christ our Lord.