When you want to travel, the most significant challenge is deciding what foods you must carry. It is easy to buy biscuits, wafers, burgers, or buns from any outlet when you are on the go, but these are unhealthy foods loaded with refined sugars, excess fats, and other toxic elements.
It is always recommended that you carry simple & healthy homemade foods with you when you set out for your trip. We understand you may not have a refrigerator when camping, hiking, or other adventure trips. So, here, we have given ten options of excellent travel-friendly foods that don’t require refrigeration. These will be your most giant companions, irrespective of where you travel.
- Dry beans & lentils

When camping at a remote location, nothing beats the comfort of a simple & healthy meal after you have had a long day. Always carry some dry beans, lentils, and spices such as salt & pepper. Soak these lentils in water overnight and cook them with rice the following day to have a healthy and filling meal.
- Bread

Bread can stand you in good stead for three to four days. For the first couple days, you can carry bread sandwiches with jam, vegetables, or other spreads you have taken from home. These spreads may not last for more than two days without refrigeration. So, on the third and 4th days, you can have a couple of bread slices dipped in a hot cup of tea for a healthy and simple breakfast.
- Milk

Are you surprised to find milk in the list of travel foods that don’t require refrigeration? We were, too, until we found out we could buy canned & evaporated milk on our trips. If you are a milk lover, this is the sweetest news ever! Even when you don’t get anything else to eat, drinking a glass of this evaporated milk will give you the required energy to carry on with your trip. However, you need to finish the can as soon as you open it because it will require refrigeration.
- Dark Chocolate

You may be surprised that dark chocolate is one of the best travel foods you can carry. These are packed with antioxidants and heart-healthy ingredients, which make you feel energized quickly. An extensive bar of dark chocolate and a pomegranate is an excellent combination that you can try for dinner during one of your travel days.
- Wasabi Peas

These are super-spicy and super-crunchy peas that men love to munch on when having a beer with their friends. Due to their spicy nature, you can’t eat many of them at a time; however, even if you eat a few peas, you will feel full. At supermarkets, you will see many readymade packets of salted & roasted wasabi peas. They are rich in iron, vitamins & minerals, which make them a healthy travel snack.
- Nuts & Raisins

If you want to carry healthy snacks when you set out on your trip and are also looking for a snack that will last for a long time, you must move nuts. Almonds, walnuts, roasted cashews, roasted peanuts, macadamia nuts, etc., are excellent choices that you can consider. Don’t have the money to buy these costly nuts? You can stock your travel bag with a few packets of raisins instead! Nuts and raisins are loaded with antioxidants and essential nutrients that make you feel full and keep your hunger pangs at bay.
- Fruits

What better travel snack than fresh fruit? The best part is that you have unlimited options in this category, depending on your travel season. Apples, pears, grapes, melons, cherries, plums, berries, etc., are available throughout the season and satiate your hunger when you cannot find anything else. Even if you can’t lay your hands on these exotic fruits, you only need a few bananas to keep you energized and active all day. An essential point you must remember here is that bananas may not last for many days; therefore, consume them within two days of your travel. Also, when consuming fruit, always ensure you finish it. Half-cut fruits get spoilt very quickly.
- Fresh salads

If you are looking to pack a home-cooked meal when you are about to set out on a day’s travel, a freshly prepared salad is an excellent choice of dinner. Cucumbers, carrots, and tomatoes mixed with a dash of extra virgin oil, flavored with herbs such as parsley, and mixed with salt/pepper are one of the best and simple salads you can carry. Ensure you use a good quality box to pack the salad well so it lasts a day.
- Trail Mix

The best thing about trail mixes is that you can customize it with the desired ingredients. Mixing this easily with your favorite dry fruits and nuts can make it easy. Pack them in small portions in zip-lock bags and carry them to eat a healthy meal on the go. If you have a sweet tooth, mix a spoonful of honey in this trail mix. Else, you can mix salt, spices, and a few herbs to add to the taste & flavor.
- Nut butter

When you buy nut butter, ensure that you purchase small sachets when needed. When you buy a bottle of nut butter, you have to refrigerate it as soon as you open it. This can be a massive challenge for you when you are on your travel. Small packets can be disposed of easily when you use them. This nut butter can make your bread sandwiches, protein bars, fruits, salads, etc., tastier and healthier than before.
Next time, when you set out on your trip, avoid eating unhealthy foods and falling sick at a new place. Instead, try out these healthy foods that don’t need refrigeration and enjoy the goodness of these tasty foods, regardless of where you go.
Written By Boyan Minchev